5 Tips to Protect Your Eyes During the Summer

As you enjoy the outdoors and summer activities this time of the year, remember to keep your eyes in top shape, too. The sun produces various forms of energy. The light it releases is one form, the warmth you feel is another, and ultraviolet (UV) light is the third form.


UV light is not visible to the eyes but can hurt and damage your eyesight. While it may be obvious to protect your eyes when the sun is visible and hot, cloudy days may fool you. Clouds do not offer any form of protection from UV light, and you can easily hurt your eyes unknowingly.

Your best defense is knowing the harmful effects of sunlight and protecting your eyes. Here are five ways to protect your eyes from the sun this summer. 



Pick Your Sunglasses Prudently



Sunshades are vital to wear at any time of the year, but they are crucial during summer. Choose sunglasses that offer 99 to 100 percent sun protection. Blocking out 99 to 100 percent of UV light helps shield your eyes. Since UV rays can penetrate clouds and haze, remember to wear your sunshades on cloudy days, too.



Wear a Visor or a Sun Hat



In addition to wearing protective sunglasses, don a visor or sun hat for additional protection. These hats, with at least 3 inches wide brims, can keep out harmful UV rays that could penetrate parts of your eye and eyelids. Also, spend time under umbrellas, trees, or covered areas when outside to minimize your risk of sun damage to your eyes.



Avoid Noontime and Afternoon Sun



Avoid being outdoors when the sun is hottest. That usually happens around midday, especially between 10 or 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. If you must be outside during these hours, always wear protective sunshades, hats, and sunscreen, and stay in places with shade.



Wear Protective Goggles When Swimming, Playing Sports, or Gardening



Wearing protective goggles can lower your chances of eye injury by 90 percent. The summer season attracts various activities, ranging from swimming and sports to yard work and gardening. 


Debris and bacteria can enter your eyes when performing these activities and cause eye injuries. To preserve your eyes, wear protective goggles, especially those that wrap around the eyes. They safeguard the eyes from the sides, too.



Eat Healthily and Drink Enough Water



Summer comes with abundant fruits and vegetables, making it easy for fresh produce to find its way to your barbecue this summer. Fruits and leafy greens are good choices for obvious health benefits. But apart from that, the vitamins, zinc, fatty acids, and lutein present in these foods can help prevent eye problems like cataracts and macular degeneration.


Along with that, remember to drink water regularly. Dehydration is much more common during summer and denies the eyes moisture. If your body cannot produce enough tears, your eyes will dry out, triggering dry eye disease and other eye problems.


Also, watch out for direct air flowing into your eyes from wind or air conditioning, as it can dry your eyes. Additionally, humidity and dry heat during summer may not favor your eye health. Talk to your eye doctor about using artificial tears to lower your risk for eye irritation.


For more tips to protect your eyes during the summer, visit Parkside Eye Care at our office in Cary, North Carolina. Call (919) 883-9987 to book an appointment today.

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